Christmas for Tucker!

So of course we had to get our rotten fur child Christmas presents for his stocking. We weren’t able to open the presents until we got back from traveling to our families.  But, truthfully Tucker found his presents hidden in his baskets and was dragging them out. I eventually had to hide them on top of the fridge to keep him from finding them.


Mom, what’s this? It smells familiar. Can I have it now or will you take it away again?


Oh this smells nice. I smell something new, I hadn’t found this box.


Mom, stop taking picture and let me see what is in my stocking!!

Santa read Tucker’s list and he got a new Elk Antler, Puppy Scoops Ice Cream (Maple Bacon Flavor) and some cheap dog treats!


New Antler!! Give me!


It smells so good!!!!


Dog Treats! Mine, All Mine!!!

Tucker also enjoyed a nice bowl of ice cream later in the week. That is his favorite! We have created a spoiled rotten little monster (actually big he is 80 pounds at 10 months). But I don’t care he is so darn cute! (most of the time, unless he is eating something)